Free Training Opportunities for North Central Kansas

image promoting free online training websiteNorth Central Regional Planning Commission is hosting a training site for a limited time that contains free training opportunities for North Central Kansas residents, businesses and nonprofits. The training was made possible in part, through a U.S. Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration’s CARES Act Recovery Assistance grant awarded to the NCRPC.*

Available Topics

The training site contains two completely new courses — a grocery training course and a series on remote work. It also includes some recorded trainings that were offered in 2021 and 2022. These include courses on nonprofit board development and retention as well as courses relating to developing an online presence for your business.

Learn to open, operate, and optimize a grocery store in this 10-part training series featuring Carly Whorton, a local Kansas grocery entrepreneur. Get started with the basics of Project Management and work your way up to Raising Brand Awareness, covering all of the technical requirements and logistical steps in-between.


Deb Ohlde has been successfully working from home for nearly 30 years. Her experience includes work from home (WFH) while she owns a consulting business, WFH as an employee and WFH as an extended term contractor for various companies. She is a big proponent of the benefits of remote work for employees and employers/clients. In this series, Deb will answer some of the most common questions about WFH structures, what it takes to thrive WFH, and what specifics to negotiate with clients and employers. After reviewing all the sessions, you’ll have a better idea if WFH is a good fit for you, better understand what it takes to have a functioning home office, and know how to avoid some of the biggest missteps of remote work. There are pros and cons with every working relationship, but WFH can be a huge opportunity for flexibility, balance and efficiency.


A selection of recorded trainings led by the Kansas Nonprofit Chamber.


Having a strong online presence for your business is important in today's market. These courses cover increasing visibility with your customers, building your brand/sales potential with online sales, and enhancing your graphic design skills with a free online tool (Canva).

Instructors for the courses are Jenny Russell and Josey Hammer of JenRus Freelance.


*The NCRPC sponsored a series of free trainings from August 2021-June 2022 for residents, businesses and nonprofits located in the 12-county NCRPC service area in North Central Kansas.

Visit the Training Site


The North Central Regional Planning Commission can be reached at 785-738-2218.

To email the staff directly about the training initiative, please fill out the form below. Fields marked with an * are required.

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