Kansas Nonprofit Security Grant Program Offers Funding for Security Enhancements

This article was published on: 12/14/2023

Prepare Now for FY24 Application Cycle

image of security conceptFunding is available for physical security enhancements and other security-related activities for nonprofit organizations at high risk of a terrorist attack. The funding comes from the Kansas Nonprofit Security Grant Programs (NSGP). The program also seeks to integrate the preparedness activities of nonprofit organizations with broader state and local preparedness efforts, such as enhancing the protection of crowded areas.

The Kansas Highway Patrol is the State Administrative Agency for the grant program. While the FY23 projects have already been awarded, eligible nonprofits can begin preparing now to be ready for the FY24 application period.

The facility you are applying for must be completed (not under construction), occupied, and operational by the time of application and located in Kansas. Eligible nonprofits can apply for $150,000 per facility up to three facilities to enhance the security of these working facilities to prepare and protect your soft targets from acts of terrorism.

For more information and to preview application requirements, visit http://www.datacounts.net/nsgp.

“We will begin our educational application phase in January with webinars, so make sure you register to place your name on our contact list,” said Lt. Edna Cordner, Grants Manager, Kansas Highway Patrol.

To subscribe directly to NSGP emails, visit https://astrakansas.com/nsgp. Astra is the new online system to sign-up for Kansas NSGP updates. It will also be used for FY24 project submissions when the grant opportunity is released in 2024.

This article appeared in the Quarter 4 2023 NCRPC Newsletter.
