Homeland Security Program – Fiscal Agent

Kansas has seven Regional Homeland Security Councils that all have a similar mission to support local, regional and state all-hazard preparedness while reducing vulnerabilities to both natural disasters and terrorist attacks by building local and regional response capabilities and encouraging citizen safety and preparedness. Each council receives grant funding to help carry out its mission. The NCRPC began working with the North Central and Northeast Regional Homeland Security Councils in 2006, acting as their fiscal agent. Since that time, the NCRPC has expanded that service to include the Northwest, Southwest, Southeast, & South Central Regional Homeland Security Councils.

View the latest Homeland Security Program Procurement activity and announcements.


The North Central Regional Planning Commission can be reached at 785-738-2218.

To email the Homeland Security Program Fiscal Agent staff directly, please fill out the form below. Fields marked with an * are required.

Lisa Peters – Homeland Security Program Coordinator

    Your Name*

    Your Email*

