Award from North Central Kansas Rural Development Initiative Helped Document Training
By Lacey Miller, Regional Public Health Preparedness Coordinator

The NCK Technical College Nursing Program hosted NCKTC Disaster Day in Beloit on April 29. The event provided an opportunity for leadership growth and training in North Central Kansas. The North Central Kansas Rural Development Initiative, administered by the NCRPC, provided a financial contribution in support of videography services for the event. Photo courtesy of Chandra Feldman, Marketing Director, NCK Tech.
On April 29, 2021, an explosion exercise occurred at the North Central Kansas Technical College’s (NCK Tech) Welding Department. A well-designed “Disaster Day” exercise was put on by the Nursing Department of NCK Tech and was pulled off with the collaboration of numerous partners.
Two moulage artists gave of their time to make the victims have life like injuries such as third-degree burns, impaled objects and a compound clavicle fracture. Michell County Hospital Health Systems staff volunteered and helped in the mock emergency room. An air ambulance from Life Star dispatched from Junction City came and picked up one victim for simulation purposes. Beloit Fire Department shared their knowledge and also lent their smoke machines for replication in the event. Mitchell County EMS responded lights and sirens and also assisted in teaching the NCK Tech Practical Nursing Program students about triage and transport. Mitchell County Emergency Management and Salina Regional Health Center’s Preparedness Coordinator helped with setup and coordination of the day’s events. The City of Beloit provided and set up street barricades and the Mitchell County Sherriff’s Department was there to provide assistance if needed. The Mitchell County Health Department Administrator, the Lincoln County Emergency Preparedness Coordinator, and the North Central Kansas Regional Public Health Coordinator evaluated the exercise. Eberle Studios filmed and produced a professional video of the exercise.
A grant award from the North Central Kansas Rural Development Initiative helped fund the videography. The NCRPC and its affiliate, North Central Kansas Community Network Co. (NCKCN), manage the NCK Rural Development Initiative Program.
“This exercise offered an excellent opportunity for leadership growth and training in the North Central region,” NCRPC Executive Director Emily Benedick said. “We recognized the value of this event and in having a professional videographer document it to help promote future emergency preparedness and disaster management training efforts throughout North Central Kansas.”
According to NCK Tech Nursing Instructor Samantha Miller, the training built on the leadership skills of students. “During the training, our students were pushed beyond their comfort zones and forced to critically think and communicate in a high-stress environment to ensure their patients received the best possible care,” Miller said. “Prior to the start of the event, the students received a quick briefing but otherwise were left to take the initiative and make decisions from a leadership perspective. It was amazing to watch them step up and execute a successful drill. Members from our graduating class have already provided feedback on how this experience has helped them in their current practice only months after graduation.”
View the video.
Learn more about the NCK Rural Development Initiative.
This article appeared in the September 2021 NCRPC Newsletter.